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Salade de rôti de boeuf froid

Salade de rôti de boeuf froid
4 portion

500g rôti de boeuf , tranché en julienne
1poivron rouge , coupé en julienne
1 branché de céléri , émincée finement
250g haricots verts , parés , cuits et coupée en deux
1 grosse tomate , pelée , épépinée et coupée en julienne
1 c. à s. persil haché
1 c. à s. basilic haché
3 c. à s. vinaigre balsamique
7 c . à s. huile d'olive
sel et poivre
quelques gouttes de tabasco
1- Metter le rôti de boeuf et les légumes dans un grand saladier . Ajouter les fines herbes et le reste des ingrédients.
2- Bien mélanger et rectifier l'assaisonnement .Couvrir et laisser mariner 30 minutes au réfrigréateur avant de servir .
3- Servir sur des feuilles de laitue, si désiré , et garnir de fines herbes.

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Unknown said...

Good Morning-

As the owner of All About Gifts & Baskets (www.aagiftsandbaskets.com), I first want to take this opportunity to thank you for linking to our site from: recettesdefete.blogspot.com

Recently, we received an unnatural link warning from Google and are working to resolve this issue as our rankings have been adversely affected. In order to bring our site into compliance with Google's new webmaster quality guidelines, we are asking for your help to remove OR to add the nofollow tag to any links from recettesdefete.blogspot.com to our site. If you are not familiar with nofollow, you can read about the definition and format here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow .

Please bear in mind that this has nothing to do with the integrity of your site and your site will NOT be affected by these actions. We are working with literally hundreds of other webmasters to have them remove or nofollow our links as well.

Thank you so much for your help and let us know if you have any further questions about making the change.

Bill Smith

P.S. We believe our link is on this page: http://recettesdefete.blogspot.com/2012/12/salade-de-roti-de-boeuf-froid.html, linking to http://www.aagiftsandbaskets.com , using link text of: "Gift Baskets.". It is possible there are other links to our site as well.

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